Metal products development

We started developing metal products in 2008, bringing us gradually to high quality metal constructions.
We specialize in designing, production and testing of a vast spectrum of metal constructions and other metal products, surpassing industry competition in order to satisfy our clients’ needs.
Company achievements include development of metal stitching, mounts with exceptional performances that can easily be adjusted in order to adapt to all metal construction profiles.



From its very beginning, PROTO PARTNER d.o.o. has been focused on development and production of modern metal products for industrial and other clients.
Our internal resources and expertise enabled the company to develop construction profiles of exceptional performances, easily adjustable to create almost any form of construction.

Offering expert services in designing, technical drawings, production, testing and coating of metal constructions.
With more than 20 years experience in the metal industry, testing and production, PROTO PARTNER d.o.o. has a unique proposition providing its clients with unprecedented support.

Contact Us


Company name and short title: PROTO PARTNER limited liability company for production and services, PROTO PARTNER d.o.o.
Headquarters: Većeslava Holjevca 7B, 49250 Zlatar, Croatia
Court register at: Commercial court in Zagreb
Court assigned business registration number: 16/46369
Iznos temeljnog kapitala trgovačkog društva: paid in full HRK 20,000.00
Management Board member: Danijel Vujica
Company and headquarters of the institution holding the account and account number: Privredna banka Zagreb, HR9523400091110840288

For all your inquiries or orders

We are a multidisciplinary team dealing with focused and efficient production of metal constructions.

Contact us!